Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why I Blog

I've been putting a lot of thought recently into the purpose behind why I blog and why I enjoy reading the blogs of others. My life is about relationships, connecting to others and connecting them to God. Blogging is about the ability to share life and what I'm learning with the world around me. It's an avenue to share my heart and passion in a very intentional way. It also gives me an avenue to share in "real-time" something that might have happened that God used to speak to my heart.

Blogging allows me to converse with the world around me. Everyone has a story to tell. From Perry Noble to this lady, Ali, I found today who works for Mercy Ships to my buddy Walt who got to meet Huey Lewis this last week. I enjoy hearing the stories of other people's lives. Blogging allows me that window into others and gives them similar access to what God is doing and saying my world. I was so inspired today by reading Ali's blog for a few minutes. Here's a young lady giving herself totally to see the compassion of Jesus shown to kids in Liberia. I would've never know her story if I had not seen this today.

I know some people view this virtual world and the connectedness of blogging as a waste of time, but for me it's missing the point. I walk away from most blogs challenged and encouraged or praying for someone who has a special need. The point (for me) is that blogs, twitter, Facebook etc. reminds me that life is bigger than me, connects me to the greater body of Christ, expands my view of the world and challenges me to be a better Christian, Dad and leader.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I had a chance last week to spend a little over an hour with Pete Wilson. For those of you who may not know Pete, he is the Pastor of a great church in Nashville. Cross Point Church is a happening place to be and God is doing some great stuff there. I was very thankful for Pete’s time and thought I would share some of our conversation here. This is my first time sharing one of these conversations online so we’ll see how it goes. Here’s some of the quotables from our conversation:

  • Pete loves seeing God’s grace in action.
  • Anyone can draw a crowd.
  • The goal is not church growth, but church health. Cross Point defines church health as 80% in small groups.
  • Getting out of your own circles expands your faith and gives you expectation and excitement for what God can do.
  • We have to be open and honest. The generation no longer follows based on titles, they follow you based on authenticity.
  • There is no influence without relationship.
  • Teach what you believe over and over and over.
  • We don’t exist for ourselves.
  • God is putting on our heart to resource the resource less. (They have an amazing “lunch buddy” plan with kids from a local low-income area they are reaching into)
  • We believe that God’s ultimate goal for us is our safety and security. While this may be true in eternity, in this life He calls us to live for others and deny ourselves to serve others.
I really enjoyed getting to know Pete and learning from him. Pete is marked by humility and graciousness. I walked away more inspired to be a difference in my world. I asked Pete one final question and it was, “If you had 5 minutes left with your boys, what would you tell them about life and Godliness?” Here’s Pete’s response:

“Let’s assume they’re a little older so that they can better understand some things about life. I would tell them Jesus is worth dying for. That you can’t choose when or how you die, but you can choose how you live. Choose to live this life for Jesus.”

Well-said Pete! Make sure to check out Pete’s blog over @ You’ll have a blast and learn something to boot. You can also check out Cross Point @

What are your thoughts on what Pete had to share?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Frying Pan Faith

We have a saying in the south that sometimes you can jump "out of the frying pan and into the fire." I've had some friends recently who have demonstrated incredible faith in the middle of "frying pan" situations. That's why this post is called "frying pan faith". I'd like to share some of their stories here.

I had a friend who had a miscarriage this week. We've been praying with and for them for the last few weeks and asking God to work out this pregnancy according to His plan and ultimately believing Him for life for this child. My wife received an email update after we had heard what was going on. This mother, who had just lost a child, sent out an email extolling the virtues of God's sovereignty. Saying things like, "we trusted in God to do what's best" and "we have peace".

My Mom has been a stalwart of faith through this process of fighting cancer. She has seemed to find an even stronger grip on her faith than I've seen before. There is such a trust in God to not only do what's best, but a sense of peace to wait on Him to see it play out.

Another friend of mine who unexpectedly lost his job two weeks ago volunteered his butt off this week for our VBS. To know what they were going through as a family with kids heading off to college and uncertainty certainly looming in the background, and that he was here EVERY day of the VBS and made it his goal to make an impact in the lives of others and trust in God for providing for him was just incredible! It reminds me of the verse "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you."

I've been completely moved and motivated by what I've seen out of these people and they way they deal with devastating news with a sense of trust and faith that is supernatural. It seems like we are always hearing of someone turning to drugs, alcohol, adultery or some other form of self-destructive activity to help ease their pain. I'm thankful that I'm surrounded by people that know where to look when difficult times come. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are saved"-Proverbs 18:10

It is amazing to me how these stressful moments in life can be so clarifying for us. When life seems to be falling apart, God seems to bring such focus to our lives about what matters. My prayer is that I will live my life with frying pan faith; knowing that there is no situation too difficult to trust God in and through.