Wednesday, August 06, 2008
We have a saying in the south that sometimes you can jump "out of the frying pan and into the fire." I've had some friends recently who have demonstrated incredible faith in the middle of "frying pan" situations. That's why this post is called "frying pan faith". I'd like to share some of their stories here.
I had a friend who had a miscarriage this week. We've been praying with and for them for the last few weeks and asking God to work out this pregnancy according to His plan and ultimately believing Him for life for this child. My wife received an email update after we had heard what was going on. This mother, who had just lost a child, sent out an email extolling the virtues of God's sovereignty. Saying things like, "we trusted in God to do what's best" and "we have peace".
My Mom has been a stalwart of faith through this process of fighting cancer. She has seemed to find an even stronger grip on her faith than I've seen before. There is such a trust in God to not only do what's best, but a sense of peace to wait on Him to see it play out.
Another friend of mine who unexpectedly lost his job two weeks ago volunteered his butt off this week for our VBS. To know what they were going through as a family with kids heading off to college and uncertainty certainly looming in the background, and that he was here EVERY day of the VBS and made it his goal to make an impact in the lives of others and trust in God for providing for him was just incredible! It reminds me of the verse "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you."
I've been completely moved and motivated by what I've seen out of these people and they way they deal with devastating news with a sense of trust and faith that is supernatural. It seems like we are always hearing of someone turning to drugs, alcohol, adultery or some other form of self-destructive activity to help ease their pain. I'm thankful that I'm surrounded by people that know where to look when difficult times come. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are saved"-Proverbs 18:10
It is amazing to me how these stressful moments in life can be so clarifying for us. When life seems to be falling apart, God seems to bring such focus to our lives about what matters. My prayer is that I will live my life with frying pan faith; knowing that there is no situation too difficult to trust God in and through.