Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Through His Eyes

“How I rejoice in God my Savior! For He took notice of His lowly servant girl, and now generation after generation will call me blessed.” (Mary speaking in Luke 1:47-48)

The iWorship Devotional Bible had this to say about this passage. ”All along, God has had a way of using ordinary people in extraordinary ways to further His plans. Paul commented to one early congregation “Few of you were wise in the world’s eyes, or powerful, or wealthy when God called you.” (1 Corinthians 1:26) And ever since, the church has advanced largely through the work of humble folk.”

I’ve always thought that one of the reasons that God uses “humble folk” to do His work is the simple truth that He says “ I am the Lord. That is My Name; and My glory I will not give to another..." (Isaiah 42:8) I remember asking the Lord once why He used me for a certain thing instead of other more prominent, talented people and He spoke to me; “You know you don’t deserve it.” God is looking for people of humility who desperately want to be used by Him, for Him and to His ultimate glory. It is our goal as worship leaders to see Him glorified in every way and facet of life.

I know that God certainly chose someone who was not “wise, powerful or wealthy” when choosing me to be a worship pastor and to write songs for His church. He looked beyond the surface of who I was and saw His destiny and calling in me. He still does today. The realization of this truth has challenged me, and I want to challenge you, to look beyond the surface of the people we serve with and see the greatness that God sees. I would encourage us all to take a look at our teams (worship or otherwise) this week in a new light. Who is the next servant leader God is raising up. How can we invest in them the way He invested in us? How can we be agents of change in their lives and help them see themselves as a part of God’s greater plan? How do we see them “through His eyes”?


  1. Anonymous said...
    It is not ability but availability. This is much more than a cliché as we learn more and more each day. God has called us into a great dance and all we have to do is accept the invitation. We don’t really need to know how to dance. He will take the lead!!

    Mike Hartsfield
    Anonymous said...
    Hello Adam

    I have a question to ask you.
    please email me.


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