Thursday, June 12, 2008
I was talking with a friend who was just starting their worship team and they were asking what advice I would give to them for their new team. I think my number one advice, after prayer and getting a basic understanding of worship, would be to "be where you are".
I've been privileged to be a part of many worship teams and can honestly say that most worship teams can sound good right where they are even with minimal skill level. Where most teams get into trouble is by trying to be something they aren't or trying to play something way ahead of their capabilities.
When directing a band musically I try and rate the team in my head on a scale of 1-10 and then choose/create musical arrangements that will suit where we are. If I'm in a long term situation, i.e. my local church, then I start with songs right in the meat of our abilities or a touch behind. Then I gradually introduce more musical/difficult arrangements and pretty soon we're a level above where we are.
Here's a scale that I used in explaining this concept to this particular friend.
A band who is a 5 in skill should be playing songs in the 1-6 range.
A band who is a 7 in skill should be playing songs in the 5-8 range.
A band who is a 10 can play whatever they want.
Where the trouble usually starts is when the worship leader hears a song that is an 8 on the musical arrangement scale and brings it to the team who is just starting out in a 3-5 range. To me, it plays out this way:
If Band A is a 5 and play a 7 they sound like a 3.
If Band A is a 5 and play a 3 they sound like a 7.
If Band A is a 5 and play a 5 they sound like a 5.
Every worship team can look a little better when they are able to be where they are. Part of what we do as worship leaders is help nurture the musical gifts of those on our team and there is great service to them in choosing arrangements that help them shine. Don't let frustration creep in, but rather work diligently to help your team be the best they can be while gently pushing them further in excellence.
Labels: leadership, team dynamics, worship leading