Friday, June 27, 2008

My Week @ Camp

I've been in youth camp the last few days here in NC. This is the camp that I grew up going to. This is where my heritage is. I first felt called into ministry in the back of this chapel and surrendered my musical gifts to the Lord on this altar. I've had the chance to worship with old and new friends and it's been a great opportunity for me to come back and minister to kids around the same age I was when all those things happened for me.

We've had some marathon worship times this week and our speaker has only hit the stage twice. It's been a great time of sensitivity to the Spirit and seeing kids interact with God. Last night was a pretty intense. As we began to worship a simple song came forward that I felt the Lord was directing at one of the brothers at the camp. I called him up and began to sing three simple words. "He is faithful." One of the pastors here got up and spoke about God's ability to seal and keep us. After worshiping for a few more moments we felt the Lord was calling us to give an invitation for people to receive prayer. It was a powerful time of seeing God impact people's lives and speak words into their lives.

I prayed for several kids last night and the Holy Spirit revealed specific words for most of them. We talk a lot in our church about Spiritual Gifts and it is always great to see them in true operation. We had tongues and interpretation, words of knowledge, wisdom and prophecy. I'll be honest and say that I'm always amazed when God decides to speak directly to a person's situation and destiny. He has a way of cutting through to the heart of the matter. The fact that He loves us and died for us is amazing enough on its own. The truth that He remains invested, interested and involved in our daily grind and the over-arching destiny of our lives is almost mind blowing for me.

After having prayed for several kids I walked back to my cabin tired, humbled and fulfilled. Sometimes when God decides to use you in a meeting in a specific way pride is lurking at the door. I could feel myself feeling good about what had happened. That was when it was time to remember that I am completely unworthy. My usefulness to God is only there because my righteousness is not in myself. Whenever I feel a little pride creep in because of something God is doing in my life, I remember the words of Paul. He said:

"For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?
And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?"-1 Corinthians 4:7

One of the pastors that I've known for some time prayed for me last night and prayed that God would take the gifts I have and make me less of a vessel and more of a conduit. Not just a container but a open portal. May it be so.

As we near the end of this camp experience, I am more in awe of our Creator than I was a week ago. More in love. More in need. More passionate for this next generation. More passionate to see God "Propel" ( a little shout out to our youth group) those after me ahead of me. Hungrier to see my kids experience Him in a real and tangible way. This trip back has lead me forward. God has done more than expected. I can sum this week up in one word....More...May it be so.

1 Comment:

  1. KBCOGOP said...
    Great blog Adam. You were a tremendous blessing to me this week and I am glad God brought us together.


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