Monday, November 10, 2008

$5 for 2 Pairs of Shoes

Hey everybody. Join me in making a difference this season. One of the bloggers I enjoy, Anne Jackson, is joining forces with Soles4Souls to bring 50000 pairs of shoes in 50 days to people who need shoes. It is just $5 for 2 pairs of shoes. I just donated and it could not have been any easier! Spread the word! You can go to the site by clicking on the banner below. Our Pastor gave a challenging sermon yesterday about making investments in the health and eternal destiny of others and I was glad to see this happening today. Let's use the power of our social networks to exceed their goal! Now go clean out your car and turn that change into change! (I know that was hokey, but it felt good at the time)

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge