Friday, July 24, 2009

We Will Featured on

My song, We Will, is being used on Iran30 in their video to promote prayer for Iran. These are trusted friends of mine and I'm thankful for the opportunity to play a small part in helping bring awareness to what God is doing in this country. You can check out the video by clicking here.

God has been gracious enough to do some cool things with this song through us giving it away over the last year. We're making it available for sale for the first time now. You can purchase either the single or the background track if you'd like to perform it in your own church. You can get it by clicking on one of the buy it now buttons below. 25% of the profit will go back to Iran30 and their ministry. Thanks and feel free to link and tweet away. :-)

We Will (Single) $0.99

We Will (Background Track) $5.99