Tuesday, April 07, 2009

why this is my favorite team

The Tarheels are National Champions...again. This is their 4th title in my lifetime and it's always a fun thing. However, this team is different for me. Special. And here's why.

When we won the title in 2005 it was a welcome home for Coach Williams and a welcome back to our program. The next year, little to nothing was expected of this team. Then comes Frasor, Hansbrough, Green and Ginyard. Four guys who none of us knew. I loved Felton, May, McCants and that crew but I probably cheered harder for that 2006 team then I ever had. They reminded me of what it felt like to be a fan again. I pulled for us through the lean years, but this was different. There was a special connection for me to these gangly group of freshmen.

I love this team because they gave me a reason to cheer. They worked their butt off and showed us all what could be done when people come together with a common purpose and a willingness to work toward that end. They gave my 7 year old the same euphoric feeling I had as a 6 year old in 1982 watching my Dad's favorite college team bring home a national title. They came back (albeit mostly because of poor projected draft position) and came back on a mission. They brought joy to the Tarheel experience and proved that old Coach Roy could win with his own crew.

Honestly, I'm thankful that I got to pull for these guys and will always appreciate this ride from 2006-2009. I hope my son will get to experience a journey like this. And I get this will make me sound like an old fogey, but with the proliferation of early exits to the NBA, I'm not sure he will.

Thanks Tyler, Ty,Wayne, Bobby, Danny, Mike, Marcus, Deon, Coach Roy and crew. It's been amazing.