Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The First Miracle I Ever Saw

I shared with our team last night the first miracle I ever saw. It is the thing that I continue to go back to whenever my heart is filled with doubt or fear. It dawned on me that I've never shared it here, so here goes.

I was 10 when my Dad broke his femur bone playing basketball. He was in traction for 6 weeks and it wasn't pretty. I was there when it happened. 

One Wednesday night after he came home he was in front of our congregation leading what we termed "song service" then. My Mom walked up and said she felt like they should walk together. 

So there's Mom and Dad. Walking across the front. Dad barely limping along with his cane. 

Everyone was praying. So I bowed my head and said these words...

"If you're going to heal my Dad, I want to see him run."

So I looked up. Dad dropped his cane. And he RAN like the wind.

It's one of the many reasons why I'm passionate about seeing people connect to the presence of God. Once you experience it and see Him change an impossible situation you can't go back from that moment.  

There's no explaining away what happened that day. It was and is miraculous.

Do you have a "miracle moment"? 

Leave it here or email me at herodad42 at gmail.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I remember that. Thanks for the reminder. Awesome.

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