Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Never Say Always

I had two conversations this weekend that left me with this impression:

Just because we've always done it one way, doesn't mean we should never try another way.

It's easy to get set in traditions. We experience something great that feels right and over time we settle into routine. Routine becomes ritual and, if we're not careful, we can let sacred moments become sacred cows.

Which leads me to this. In addition to "never say never", should we add "never say always" to our lexicon? I know there are things that are constant. But when it comes to our mode of communication or our format of service, I'm thinking it might be a good idea to drop the word always.

I'm a firm believer that God is, has been and will always be a creator. With that in mind, I'm never saying always again. Oh wait, I can't say never either. :-)

What do you think?


  1. Anonymous said...
    "we've always done it one way"

    If this is in relationship to Grace CC, it's good to remember that 'always' is only a little less than ten years.
    Misty said...
    Good stuff, babe I always like reading your blog and never want to miss it. I will love you always and never leave you...wait, do these count? ;)
    adam herod said...
    Thanks babe. I'll file those under some things are constant. :-)

    Jeff...it's in relation to more than just church. :-)
    Gloria said...
    cool. you two rock. :)
    Anonymous said...
    great post Adam. I SO agree (and have lived this). I'm thankful that I can't remember the last time I've heard that statement (but I've seen it in their eyes ;-)

    And by the way... I'm with you - I'm never gonna say always again (dang! just said never AGAIN).
    adam herod said...
    Thanks bro. I "always" appreciate your input. :-)

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