Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Life is not as stable as it used to be. A lot of friends and friends of friends are losing their jobs and there are less jobs to be had. You'd think I'd be praying for change to take place in our economy, but I'm not.
I'm praying for a change in the way people view themselves. I'm praying that the inability to depend on our cash or flash to sustain us will lead us to reevaluate our own independence. I'm praying that instability will lead us to Jesus. I'm praying that people will "fall on the stone & be broken" (Mt. 21:44) and realize their utter dependence on God to be the giver of all good things.
I'm going to start encouraging people in my sphere of influence to point people beyond their temporal turmoil and toward eternal truth. Paul said it this way:
"If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied." (1 Cor. 15:19)
We have a hope that transcends this life. A hope that is stable, dependable and unchanging.
It's funny really...the change we need is a someone who is always the same. Just another paradox and a reason to love and share the mystery and person of Jesus.